Ira, You'll Get Into Trouble

black and white, sound, 85 min
scans not available
The year is 1968-69. The Vietnam War is polarizing the nation. And in New York City the teachers are on strike, closing down all the schools.
Rental format: DVD NTSC $35.00


The year is 1968-69. The Vietnam War is polarizing the nation. And in New York City the teachers are on strike, closing down all the schools.

Radical high school students, in a student union, are organizing throughout the city. They want community control of the scools, better and more relevant schools, and the end to the war. 

To help their efforts, they print and distribute a newspaper; they meet in groups, rapping about how to affect change, how to influence students.

At the end of the long school year, they ask: what have we accomplished, where do we go from here?