With Stronger Reason
Depicts the life of a boy who has lived and grown up in a conventional atmosphere. His need to create has been suppressed by the fears of his so-called loved ones. They have directed him toward the material goals in life. He senses the emptiness of this course and decides to desert it - leaving it to desappear into the past. He takes up a new life of saying 'Yes' to the instinctive and creative forces within him. While dwelling in solitary completeness, he is confronted with a woman. He cannot escape the demands of her love and so is led to destroy the one part of his life which he feels is destined never to be realized... The startling pace of progress has yielded many beneficial results. It has had also one negative effect: conformity. This film is the story of a young man faced with a tragic decision: either to embrace non-conformity through his art or yield to conformity through his love for a girl. –L. M.
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From The Unknown
Lawrence Marinelli16mm, black and white, sound, 17 minRental format: 16mm