The Dolls
Digital File, color, sound, 5 min
"The Dolls" is a short, comic animation in which dolls are interviewed. The dolls, sets and music were made by the filmmaker. The dolls include a witch, a femme fatale, a bride, a country singer, ...
Available for sale: DVD NTSC $250
"The Dolls" is a short, comic animation in which dolls are interviewed. The dolls, sets and music were made by the filmmaker. The dolls include a witch, a femme fatale, a bride, a country singer, and a rebel. The witch doll complains that people are stereotyping her; the bride doll is getting married on Tuesday. The film pokes fun at media stereotypes, and suggests that acting out stereotypes may be unhealthy for oneself and the rest of the world. This film was awarded an Honorable Mention by the Black Maria Film Festival.
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