"A dominant trend of the American avant-garde...is reconfirmed in John Sunier's RITE, poetic glimpse of Zen monastery life."-Amos Vogel, The Village Voice
"John Sunier's six-minute RITE, which might be sub-titled 'What the Monk Does All Day,' is a visit to a Zen monastery in still and moving pictures, all nicely edited."-Vincent Canby, The New York Times
"Meditative, subjective documentary on Zen monastery in California mountains. Tender cutting of images to sound of gentle Eastern percussion...river images."-John Schofill, Monterey Film Festival
"Images and sound recorded at the Zen Mountain Center, Tassajara Hot Springs, California. Stills by Tim Buckley. Shown at The Whitney Museum New American Filmmakers series. Festival prizewinner."-J.S.