War is Menstrual Envy : Parts I, II, III
VHS, color, 77 min
With Annie Sprinkle and Kembra Pfahler, Taylor Moore, Ari Roussimoff An apocalyptic non-narrative tragicomedy in 3 parts originally presented as a double-screen opus that electrified audiences in the ...
Available for sale: VHS NTSC
With Annie Sprinkle and Kembra Pfahler, Taylor Moore, Ari Roussimoff An apocalyptic non-narrative tragicomedy in 3 parts originally presented as a double-screen opus that electrified audiences in the early nineties until the workprint disappeared in the trunk of a cab. Screened across the country and around the world, this masterpiece of transgression confronts the conflict between authoritarian systems and a nascent hedonistic revolution in the future lead by an amphibious nude woman named Shiva Scythe (Kembra Pfahler.)
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Police State
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