"Train Games" Beware the Boogie Monsta 6

"Train Games" Beware the Boogie Monsta 6

Digital, color, sound, 4.2 min
Beware the Boogie Monsta is a series of short vignettes about a monstrous force of nature annihilating criminals, witches, warlocks, and evil doers throughout the city. In this installment, "Train ...
Rental format: Digital file $50



Beware the Boogie Monsta is a series of short vignettes about a monstrous force of nature annihilating criminals, witches, warlocks, and evil doers throughout the city. In this installment, "Train Games," a young lady is taking the train back home late at night and is terrified when a group of devil-worshipping thugs looking for trouble see her alone and defenseless. Little do they know the Boogie Monsta is Lurk'n too... Looking for them.


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    “Hex Gone Wrong” Beware the Boogie Monsta 7
    Virgilio Ortiz

    Digital, color, sound, 8.11 min
    Rental format: Digital file
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    “MoNsTA on Da KiLLz” prologue part 1

    “MoNsTA on Da KiLLz” prologue part 1
    Virgilio Ortiz

    Digital, color, sound, 1.58 min
    Rental format: Digital file