Naked Boys Cleaning
A meditation on conflicting values: How does sex work fit into a Marxist idealization of labor equity when the satisfaction of the client constitutes contradictions to the worker’s core politics? But a boy’s gotta’ eat and a job’s a job.
Time is money / body is money / spirit is money / no escape. True 'off the grid' is poverty but still part of the grid, dangerous and soul crushing. Sell your body, sell your mind, sell your time, sell something, then see about convincing yourself you don't mind. The physical world is at odds with traditions of oppression and inequality, so the physical world needs to be deemed beside the point - it really is anybody's butthole! - any body's. Can bodies trump tradition?
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New Year/New Work 2019
A four-day program of recent additions to our growing collection of experimental and avant-garde films
Four screenings in January 2019 that showcase the wide-ranging work of new and longstanding FMC members from around the world. Curated by Emily Apter, Ladya Cheryl, and Devon Narine-Singh.
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
- Read MoreExperimental
Berlin / New York
Jack Waters16mm, color and b/w, sound, 20 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Works by Jack Water
Jack Waterscolor and b/w, sound, 90 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
The Male GaYze
Jack Waters16mm, color, sound, 11 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Jack Waters16mm, color, sound, 30 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
The Flower Market
Jack Waterscolor, sound, 15 minRental formats: Digital file, DVD NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Introducing Mr. Diana
Jack WatersVHS, color, sound, 27 minRental formats: VHS NTSC, 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Short Memory No History: AIDS, Art, Activism
Jack Waterscolor, soundRental format: DVD NTSC - Read More
On the Cusp
Jack Waterscolor, sound, 37 minRental format: Digital file - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Le Petit Versailles - LPVTV Season One: Episodes Three & Four
Jack Waterscolor, sound, 60 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Le Petit Versailles - LPVTV Season One: Episodes Seven & Eight
Jack Waterscolor, sound, 60 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Le Petit Versailles - LPVTV Season One: Episodes Nine & Ten
Jack Waterscolor, sound, 60 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Le Petit Versailles - LPVTV Season One: Episodes Eleven, Twelve & Thirteen
Jack Waterscolor, sound, 90 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Le Petit Versailles - LPVTV Season One: Episodes Five & Six
Jack Waterscolor, sound, 60 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Le Petit Versailles - LPVTV Season One: Episodes One & Two
Jack Waterscolor, sound, 60 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read More
Naked Eye Cinema Queer Iconoclasts: Peter Cramer and Jack Waters
Jack WatersDVD, 90 minRental formats: Digital file, DVD NTSC