Christine Gedeon


Christine Gedeon is a visual artist, born in Aleppo, raised in the U.S., and divides her time between Berlin and New York. Since the start of the war in Syria, her work has focused on her family history ...


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    A Portrait of Michel

    A Portrait of Michel
    Christine Gedeon

    Digital, black and white, sound, 42.59 min
    Rental format: Digital file
    • History
    • Philosophical
    • Political / Social Activism
    • Biography / Autobiography
    • Personal / Diary / Journal
    • Ethnographic
    • Found Footage
    • Family


Christine Gedeon is a visual artist, born in Aleppo, raised in the U.S., and divides her time between Berlin and New York. Since the start of the war in Syria, her work has focused on her family history in Syria, pre-civil war, in various mediums: video, a sound installation, works on paper and canvas. Gedeon’s work has appeared in galleries and institutions world-wide.  She has received grants and fellowships from the Berlin Cultural Senate, The Harpo Foundation, the Bronx Museum, and A.I.R. Gallery, New York. Her book, Aleppo: Deconstruction | Reconstruction was published in 2020, by Kerber Verlag in Germany.