- Read MoreExperimental
Aveugle Soumission
Mounir SoussSuper 8, color, sound, 3 minRental formats: Digital file, DVD NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Eros Drips From Eyes
Mounir SoussDigital , color, optical sound, 7 min - Read MoreExperimental
A Theory of Gifts
Mounir Souss16mm, color, soundRental format: Digital file - Read More
Mounir Souss16mmRental format: 16mm - Read More
Eye Pos.
Mounir Souss
Mounir Souss is a Moroccan filmmaker and curator from Venice, CA. Their work encompasses exploring notions of displacement, colonialism, hereditary trauma and cultural erasure.
Their work has previously exhibited at the Krakow Film Festival, Poland; Spectacle Cinema, NY, The Loisaida Center, NY; Arthaus, Cuba; DOBRA, Rio de Janeiro; Bard College, NY; among others. Soussan has composed several scores to their works and creates live improvisational scores for expanded cinema. Soussan is in progress to attaining a BA in Film and Electronic Arts and Human Rights from Bard College, class of 2020, and currently lives and works in New York.