

New DVD available from the FMC collection.

In collaboration with RE:Voir, FMC is proud to announce a new DVD available for rental and purchase of Marie Losier's films.

French-born New York filmmaker Marie Losier learned the 16mm Bolex camera from George and Mike Kuchar and made a series of "Dream Portraits" of New York filmmakers, theatre, music and performance artists.

Selected Shorts in 16mm:

1. L'Oiseau de la Nuit 20', 2016

2. Bim, Bam, Boom, las Luchas Morenas! 13' 2014

3. Alan Vega, Just a Million Dreams 16', 2014

4. Byun, Objet Trouve 7', 2012

5. Slap the Gondola! 15', 2010

6. Manuelle Labour 10', 2007

7. Eat My Make-up! 6', 2005

8. Electrocute Your Stars 8', 2004

9. Bird Bath and Beyond 13', 2003

10. The Ontological Cowboy 16', 2005