Purchase Storm De Hirsch FIlms DVD
For a limited time only purchase Films of Storm De Hirsch on DVD

For a limited time only purchase the DVD copy of Storm De Hirsch FIlms, including:
Newsreel: Jonas in the Brig 1964: A newsreel of Jonas Mekas shooting his filmed version of "The Brig" on the set of the Living Theater production.
Charlotte Moorman's Avant-Garde Festival #9 1965: "Cine-Sonnet. The film-maker's impressions of Charlotte Moorman's 9th Avant-Garde Festival of the Arts aboard the old steamboat, 'Alexander Hamilton,' docked at the South Street Seaport.
Peyote Queen 1965: A further exploration into the color of ritual, the color of thought; a journey through the underworld of sensory derangement.
Third Eye Butterfly 1968: For dual-projection. Where s the light coming from? The flavor of the colors are succulent to the long vision in the soul. How can dust cover the arrows of light?
Color/ black and white/ sound and silnet/ 37.50 min
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