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"...has the quiet beauty of rain. It is the story of a young girl afraid to enter womanhood. Taking the phone off the hook, she attempts to sleep while her would-be lover tries to call. And in her fantasy, she sees herself escaping to the playground and embracing childhood anew...perhaps the most quietly satisfying gem that you will see in a long time...contrasts with the sexual vibrance of the tones' singing with the lonely quiet of the girl's flight with remarkable effectiveness."–Bruce Covert, McGill Daily Review
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The Decade Rock Exploded
A program of FMC titles exploring '60s rock, part of the series "Sonic Visions: Experiments in Cinema and Music," curated by Robert Schneider and Matt McKinzie
Join us at the Film-Makers' Cooperative on Friday, August 2nd, 2024, at 7pm, as we kick off our summer series SONIC VISIONS: EXPERIMENTS IN CINEMA AND MUSIC with seven enthralling yet rarely-screened 16mm rock documents from the 1960s... the decade the genre exploded.
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Shades and Drumbeats
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Early Clue to the New Direction, An
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Match Girl
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Flower Child
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The Sky Pirate
Andrew Meyer16mm, color, sound, 82.75 minRental format: 16mm