GUN, HAT, GIRL, SCREAM from Mary Billyou on Vimeo.
2016, TRT 12:00, b&w 16mm sound.
Four 16mm films, each one-hundred feet long. Each film may be presented on a humble daylight spool, making the final form easy to handle, and easy to show. Intended for small, attentive audiences, i.e. for microcinemas and art galleries, the entire series may be shown in many alternate ways: in this set sequence here (my choice); in any sequence the programmer/projectionist chooses; or, it can be shown singly, as one film from the set; it can also be shown as two or three films, etc. Because of the film’s interchangeable elements, their dispersal and reorganization are integral to its reception. A film noir, GUN, HAT, GIRL, SCREAM plays with the genre's B-movie aesthetic and its characteristic look toward the past by seamlessly intercutting found footage with original footage shot on location in NYC. The film is finished on b&w 16mm, and each section is devoted to one necessary element for a cinematic narrative to progress. The entire piece may also be shown as a looped installation with an additional piece entitled "LOW KEY LIGHTING."
Production: Sabrina Tubio-Cid
Camera: Joe Foley
Sound: Quentin Chiapetta
Actors: Paul Duncan, Juliana Francis Kelly, Brian Mendes
Supported in part by The Jerome Foundation, The New York State Council for the Arts, and Outpost's Cuts and Burns Media Residency Program.
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