Frasconi (English)
16mm, color, sound, 14 min
"The most complete selection of woodcuts by Frasconi - an Uruguayan artist living in USA since 1945 - considered the best woodcutter in the Americas. The artist talks about his esthetics, his position ...
Rental format: 16mm
"The most complete selection of woodcuts by Frasconi - an Uruguayan artist living in USA since 1945 - considered the best woodcutter in the Americas. The artist talks about his esthetics, his position towards art and society, and the necessity stuggle, the place of the artist in the contemporary world as well as his process. The film follows Frasconi during his work and illustrates his favorite subjects: man, nature, symbols, for Aesop, BRecht, Whitman, Poe, Lorca, Twain, O'Casey, Neruda. A Delightful film that captivates the attention through the personal approach of the film-maker to Frasconi's personality and masterpieces." –J. Rowe, Hispanic American Arts
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