
16mm, black and white, sound, 9 min
scans not available
Note: this film is for vertical projection, with the projector lying on its left-hand side. "One of a series of films that investigates qualities of sound that can be generated directly from the image ...
Rental format: 16mm


Note: this film is for vertical projection, with the projector lying on its left-hand side.

"One of a series of films that investigates qualities of sound that can be generated directly from the image track. The images that you see are simultaneously scanned by the optical sound reader in the projector, which converts the into sound.

This particular film makes use of the aural effect of visual perspective; the steeper the perspective on the railings, the closer the intervals of black and white, and the higher the frequency of sound. I also wanted to find out what freeze frames and visual strobe would 'sound' like. Visual strobe is created both in the camera (camera shutter v. railings) and in the printer (printer shutter v. slipping frames)." -G.S.


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    Projection Instructions

    A program of 16mm films that involve special instructions to the projectionist, curator, or spectator

    Join us for a modular program of 16mm films that involve special instructions to the projectionist, curator, or spectator, underscoring the performative dimensions of cinematic exhibition. Venues wishing to exhibit a version of the program are encouraged to curate individual combinations of films from the list below that reflect their own interests, equipment, and exhibition spaces.


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    Short Film Series

    Short Film Series
    Guy Sherwin

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    Rental format: 16mm
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    Guy Sherwin

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    Guy Sherwin

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    Guy Sherwin

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    Rental format: 16mm
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    Guy Sherwin

    16mm, black and white, sound, 4 min
    Rental format: 16mm