Soft Bend
Digital file 2 channel or split screen single channel projection, color, sound, 5 min
2018; TRT 5:08min Single channel video projection. Movement on/in/for the camera. This work is a duet between a body and an Ikegami tube based camera, using the restriction of 13” ...
Rental format: Digital file
Available for sale: Digital file
Available for sale: Digital file
2018; TRT 5:08min
Single channel video projection.
Movement on/in/for the camera.
This work is a duet between a body and an Ikegami tube based camera, using the restriction of 13” CRT monitor as surface or stage area in which to move. The result is a series of motions that capture the confinement of allotted space within the frame. Another space however, emerges through the separation of color, light, and form through tube interference and repeated pattern of motion.
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Lav Mic
Victoria KeddieDigital file 2 channel or split screen single channel projection, color, sound, 3 minRental format: Digital file - Read MoreExperimental
Camera Tension
Victoria KeddieDigital file 2 channel or split screen single channel projection, color, sound, 3 minRental format: Digital file