Hello Happiness! Marie Losier
16mm , color, sound, 124 min
French-born New York filmmaker Marie Losier learned the 16mm Bolex camera from George and Mike Kuchar and made a series of "Dream Portraits" of New York filmmakers, theatre, music and performance ...
Rental format: DVD NTSC
Available for sale: DVD NTSC
Available for sale: DVD NTSC
French-born New York filmmaker Marie Losier learned the 16mm Bolex camera from George and Mike Kuchar and made a series of "Dream Portraits" of New York filmmakers, theatre, music and performance artists.
Selected Shorts in 16mm:
1. L'Oiseau de la Nuit 20', 2016
2. Bim, Bam, Boom, las Luchas Morenas! 13' 2014
3. Alan Vega, Just a Million Dreams 16', 2014
4. Byun, Objet Trouve 7', 2012
5. Slap the Gondola! 15', 2010
6. Manuelle Labour 10', 2007
7. Eat My Make-up! 6', 2005
8. Electrocute Your Stars 8', 2004
9. Bird Bath and Beyond 13', 2003
10. The Ontological Cowboy 16', 2005
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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The Passion of Joan of Arc / The Touch Retouched / Broken Blossom / Chick-Chick
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Bird, Bath & Beyond
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Two Films by Marie Losier (Bird, Bath & Beyond and Lunch Break on the Xerox Machine)
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Electrocute your Stars
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3 Films with Kuchar Brothers
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Ontological Cowboy
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Flying Saucey!
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Manuelle Labor
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Tony Conrad, DreaMinimalist
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Papal Broken Dance
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Marie Losierblack and white, silent, 3 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Cet Air La
Marie Losiercolor and b/w, sound, 3 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Byun, Objet Trouve
Marie Losiercolor, sound, 8 minRental format: DVD NTSC