Windows (Las Ventanas De Salcedo)
16mm, black and white, sound, 7.5 min
On Love, Sex, Violence, War and Tchaikowsky. "The filmmaker uses the objects of painter Salcedo to poke gentle and savage fun at society and its follies... a continuous mad charade!" – Tom ...
Rental format: 16mm
On Love, Sex, Violence, War and Tchaikowsky. "The filmmaker uses the objects of painter Salcedo to poke gentle and savage fun at society and its follies... a continuous mad charade!" – Tom Chomont. On Arocha: "I know of no films more uncompromising in grotesquerie of burlesque, in gigantism of overstatement, than the comedies of Arocha. His actors are possessed to frenzy with their roles, filled to bursting with their identities; they hypertrophy into fantastic growths, revealing comic flaws enormous, monstrous enough to swallow whole the old familiar characters of Samson, Traviata, and Dracula, and even to make the best of us laugh." – Ken Kelman.
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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Samson & Delilah
Luis Ernesto Arocha16mm, black and white, sound on separate reel(s), 9 minRental formats: 16mm, regular 8mm - Read MoreExperimental
Happy Birthday Babye Starr
Luis Ernesto Arocha16mm, color, sound on separate reel(s), 3 minRental formats: 16mm, regular 8mm