Available for sale: Digital file $900
Catabasi is intimately interrelated with Anabasi, constituting the second phase of the search for the self. Etymologically, "catabasis" means the descent, the return (as opposed to "anabasis": the ascent). In this film, the Woman tries to return to herself, to the depths of physiological life, to rediscover her lost identity in her own body through dance.
Dazzling images spring from his liberating dance, culminating in a rite of anthropological origin (some African peoples still living at an ethnological level practice a similar dance, based on jumps upwards). In the body, the Woman finds unsuspected energies buried, releasing a vitalism that contemporary capitalist society tends to exorcise as its insidious enemy.
Neo-formal language tends to make the speed of memory and mental processes into a sort of stream of consciousness, the excitement and vertigo of certain psychic dynamics, the shattering of our space-time perception operated by the mass media.
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