You Can't Keep A Good Snake Down
16mm, color, sound, 4 min
Co-maker: Masha Godovannaya For a long time Saint Patrick has been touted as the redemptor of Pagan Ireland: the man who rid the country of its snake population. We felt it was time to redress this historical ...
Rental format: 16mm
Co-maker: Masha Godovannaya For a long time Saint Patrick has been touted as the redemptor of Pagan Ireland: the man who rid the country of its snake population. We felt it was time to redress this historical imbalance and give the snakes their due. The All-Star cast includes Maria Montez, Jackie Chan and an assortment of noted Irish and British politicians. Scenes of harem & combat are presided over by the Virgin Mary and set to the score of a medieval tarantella, or spider dance. It's all in the Eye of the Chameleon ...
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Hope's Voice
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Are We There Yet?
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