16 Millimeter Earrings - The Film

16mm, color, sound, 25 min
scans not available
She considers her 1966 performance of 16 MILLEMETER EARRINGS a breakthrough: she not only choreographed the movement, but wrote the score and designed several short film sequences to be projected during ...
Rental format: 16mm
Available for sale: Digital file


She considers her 1966 performance of 16 MILLEMETER EARRINGS a breakthrough: she not only choreographed the movement, but wrote the score and designed several short film sequences to be projected during the performance. Critic John Perreault wrote of the performance that "movement, film, words and sounds in Ms. Monk's new work are so skillfully interwoven and inter-related that no description can substitute for actually seeing the kind of magic she has managed to produce." Twelve years after the first performance, Meredith Monk and Robert Withers re-created the piece for film, using most of the original film sequences and sound tapes. Rob Baker in the Soho Weekly News called it "an extraordinary film, an extraordinary work." Released in 1980, the film is 25 minutes long, in 16mm color, and was produced, directed and photographed by Robert Withers. It has been screened at numerous festivals throughout the United States, Europe, and Japan, and won a Merit Award at the Dance Film Festival in New York City.


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    • Literarature / Theater
    • Dance