
16mm, color, sound, 30 min
scans not available
The original material for the film was made from black and white video tapes of nude models – the result of work sessions over a period of three months. The best sequences were taken and fed into a ...
Rental format: 16mm


The original material for the film was made from black and white video tapes of nude models – the result of work sessions over a period of three months. The best sequences were taken and fed into a quantizer, which transfer the black and white tapes to color. The quantizer is sophisticated equipment: color complexity and juxtaposition can be altered to a high degree. A 16mm color film was made from the screen of the quantizer. Concentration in the film is of one and sometimes two models continually moving through the frame; as the film progresses, the figures become more and more abstract. The music I programmed and recorded live from ARP synthesizer and it consists of basic rhythms which change slowly as the images in the film evolve.


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    Roy Colmer

    16mm, color, sound, 11.25 min
    Rental format: 16mm
    • Landscape / Architecture
    • Technology