
16mm, black and white, sound, 21 min
scans not available
Samuel Beckett's only venture into the medium of the cinema, it was written in 1963 and filmed in New York in the summer of 1964, directed by Alan Schneider and featuring Buster Keaton. For the shooting ...
Rental format: 16mm



Samuel Beckett's only venture into the medium of the cinema, it was written in 1963 and filmed in New York in the summer of 1964, directed by Alan Schneider and featuring Buster Keaton. For the shooting Mr. Beckett made his only trip to America. The film, which has no dialogue, takes as its basis Berkeley's theory Esse est percipi, that "to be is to be perceived": even after all outside perception remains.


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    Waiting for Godot

    Waiting for Godot
    Samuel Beckett

    VHS, black and white, sound, 102 min
    Rental format: VHS NTSC
    • Literarature / Theater