First Comes Love

First Comes Love

black and white, sound, 22 min
First Comes Love consists of perfectly choreographed scenes of four wedding ceremonies accompanied by a complex medley of popular love songs. All seems to be going as it should until the couples reach ...
Rental format: 16mm



First Comes Love consists of perfectly choreographed scenes of four wedding ceremonies accompanied by a complex medley of popular love songs. All seems to be going as it should until the couples reach the altar, when the celebratory atmosphere is interrupted for a surprising public service announcement. Then song and dance continues until the happy couples depart, leaving behind a dwindling crowd and a few altar boys who carefully sweep up the rice that blankets the pavement like snow.


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    Gently Down the Stream
    Su Friedrich

    black and white, silent, 13 min
    Rental format: 16mm
    • Structural
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    Su Friedrich

    black and white, sound, 42 min
    Rental format: 16mm
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