
FMC presents a sundry screening of cutups, film collage, and repurposed cinema. The alchemist’s craft was to turn lead into gold, and in much the same way the collagist has taken the discards and chaff of the film industry and conducted a similar transmutation upon the material.
Much as the alchemist might use the distillation flask, the pestle, or the scorching furnace, the filmic process takes an array of forms. Repurposed cutouts of collage animation in the films of Howard Lester and Eduardo Darino. The “composting” of the image in Jennifer Reeves’s “Landfill 16.” The overlaying of transparent layout patterns (as once used in the days of offset printing) in “Alchemy of the Word” by Peter von Ziegesar. Peering in upon the unseen areas beyond the film frame in Christoph Janetzko’s “S1.” The films have been programmed, as part of his roving Cine Soiree series, by filmmaker and New School instructor Joel Schlemowitz, who will be present for a brief discussion of the work following the screening.
RANSOM NOTE (1969) by Howard Lester. 16mm, color, 2 min.
HOT DOG PARTY (2001) by Frank Biesendorfer. 16mm, b&w, 1 min.
LANDFILL 16 (2011) by Jennifer Reeves. 16mm, color, 9 min.
HELLO...? (1975) by Eduardo Darino. 16mm, color, 7 min.
TRAP DANCE (1968) by Storm De Hirsch. 16mm, black and white, 1-1/2 min.
BLACK COFFEE (1985) by Heather McAdams. 16mm, color & b&w, 4 min.
ALCHEMY OF THE WORD (1975) by Peter von Ziegesar. 16mm, b&w, 10 min.
BERLIN HORSE (1970) by Malcolm LeGrice 16mm, color, 7 min.