¿Qué pretende usted de mí? (What do you want from me?)

Join us at the FMC Screening Room (475 Park Avenue South, 6th Floor) on Thursday, September 26th, at 7pm, for a program of queer and post-porn short films created with the goal of dismantling and unlearning ways of understanding and inhabiting bodies, curated by Sofía Martinez Frenkel, in collaboration with Laboratorio de Cine FAC.
¿Qué pretende usted de mí? (What do you want from me?)
These films are part of the journey that accompanied my work over the past five years. I came across them in various ways: through recommendations from colleagues, friends I met at gatherings and festivals, in residencies, and through working at labs. They navigate different circuits with the same goal: to dismantle and unlearn our ways of understanding and inhabiting bodies.
In a sense, they offer a snapshot of contemporary/current production around (post) porn and queer cinema from the South, specifically Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, and Peru. Some films present a more poetic, experimental/analog proposal, while others have a performative and/or documentary profile.
¿Qué pretende usted de mí? (What do you want from me?) asks the Coca Sarli*. This phrase seems to convey a certain innocence, as if someone has caught us off guard. However, it holds an unease that challenges the other party, confronting and surprising them with the endless possibilities that these bodies offer... If you only knew what I want... These films invite us to explore, through play, fantasy, and love, other ways of understanding, of eroticizing, other bodies, new ways of seeing our sexuality with ourselves and with others. I couldn’t define (post) porn without these films; if I could, they would have no reason to exist. These films explain it better than I ever could.
“Born from the struggles of the queer movement, the advocacy for sex work in the Pro.Sex movements of the 1980s and post-feminism, post-pornography emerges as a critical response to commercial pornographic discourse from sexual dissidences. A critique that challenges the heteronormative gaze embedded in porn not from a censoring or prohibitionist perspective, but through the creation of pornographic productions that break with the sex-gender stereotypes reproduced in mainstream porn, while aspiring to portray the free expression of genders and the plasticity of bodies from a dissident.” —Excerpt from the book Usina posporno by Laura Milano. Buenos Aires. Título. 2014.
Thanks to Laboratorio de Cine (FAC Film Lab), Nicola Ríos (curator of Excéntrico: International Showcase of Film and Critical Pleasures), Laura Milano, Kathy Brew, Angéla López Ruiz, Ernestina Pereyra, Ediporn, Montevideo Húmeda. This program was made possible with the support of the Fondos de Estímulo a la Creación Artística (FEFCA) from the Ministerio de Educación y Cultura of Uruguay.
*Isabel Sarli, known as “the Coca Sarli,” was an Argentine actress, showgirl, and model, famous nationally and internationally for starring in numerous films directed by Armando Bó between 1959 and 1980.
- Pelo de gato (Kitten hair), Las Jersay, 16mm-to-digital, color, 2.5 minutes, Uruguay
- Cuerpx Cero-fragmento (Bxdy zero), Ridícula Juan Ferrari, Juan Goyret, Juan Gallo, Carlos Laviña, Digital, color, 3.5 minutes, Uruguay
- Club Amarillo (Yellow Club), Luiz Roque, HD video and 16mm film, color, 7 minutes, Brazil
- Exibidas, Aló, Tormenta cósmica, Zuma Link, Digital, color, 3.5 minutes, Brazil
- Listas para la pista (Ready for the party), Hanni Halliday, Digital, color, 11 minutes, Argentina
- Lactocanibalismo (Lactocannibalism), Jazmín Ra, Digital, color, 9 minutes, Chile
- Gooboy, Macoestuvoaqui, Animation, digital, color, 9 minutes, Chile
- Edén III- Medusa, Ian Tevo, Digital, color, 3.5 minutes, Peru
Total Run Time: 49 minutes.