The Carnal Screen: "Flaming Creatures" and "Fuses" Double Bill

ROXY Cinema, in collaboration with the Museum of Sex and FMC, presents this 16mm film screening of germinal works from Carolee Schneemann and Jack Smith.
Presented as part of The Carnal Screen: Erotic Visions Series with The Film-Makers' Cooperative and Museum of Sex.
Jack Smith has graced the anarchic liberation of new American cinema with graphic and rhythmic power worthy of the best of formal cinema. He has attained for the first time in motion pictures a high level of art which is absolutely lacking in decorum; and a treatment of sex which makes us aware of the restraint of all previous filmmakers. Preservation by the Barbara Gladstone Gallery.
Filmed and edited by Schneemann; with herself, James Tenney and Kitch. "Pornography is an anti-emotional medium, in content and intent, and its lack of emotion renders it wholly ineffective for women. This absence of sensuality is so contrary to female eroticism that pornography becomes, in fact, anti-sexual. Schneemann's film, by contrast, is devastatingly erotic, transcending the surfaces of sex to communicate its true spirit, its meaning as an activity for herself and, quite accurately, women in general.