The End is Nigh: Destruction in (and on) Film

Join us in the Film-Makers' Cooperative screening room for a special series of films curated by Julia Curl.
Masks and Proof of Vaccination Will be Required
From the seemingly dire perspective of our present moment, this hourlong program looks back at the ways in which destruction has been depicted—and predicted—in avant-garde film. These works explore not only the annihilation of the human body, but also the destruction of the medium itself; these films have been burned, scratched, degraded, even buried in a landfill, revealing the destruction which exists beneath the surface of the American way of life.
~ Julia Curl
1. Melting (Thom Andersen, 1965, 6 min)
2. Landfill 16 (Jennifer Reeves, 2011, 9 min)
3. The Color of Love (Peggy Ahwesh, 1994, 10 min)
4. Trap Dance (Storm De Hirsch, 1968, 2 min)
5. Your Chance to Live: Earthwatch (U.S. Defence Civil Preparedness Agency, Washington, D.C., 1972, 13 min)
6. 3rd Degree (Paul Sharits, 1982, 24 min)
64 min total run time. Image from Melting by Thom Andersen