Bust Up
16mm, black and white, sound, 7 min
"BUST UP is a tickling thriller about an afternoon tea that's an introduction to an out-of-town visitor. During the tea, Holly spontaneously transforms into several female personas that entertain ...
Rental format: 16mm
"BUST UP is a tickling thriller about an afternoon tea that's an introduction to an out-of-town visitor. During the tea, Holly spontaneously transforms into several female personas that entertain and startle the curious guest. Holly's multiple BUST UP personas are all obsessed with the beverage tea and the formalities of etiquette, pedigree and hospitality. Still photography and repetitive camera innercuttings create a montage of film styles that with a comedic edge project the tension of this close encounter of a sterepphonic mind." –Jerome Schultz
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Beyond Voluntary Control
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