Other Reckless Things
A response to a newspaper account of a self-inflicted Caesarian section. "... a daring yet subtle reflection on the anomalies of birth and self-mutilation." – Kate Regan, San Francisco Chronicle "The film alternates medical footage ... with clips of the news report - bringing into question issues of invasion of privacy, voyeurism, control over one's body and the use of technology in situations that may not require it. Zweig's text ... is as chilling as the images ...." – Will Torphy, Artweek "... extraordinary and disturbing ...." – Larry Kardish, Museum of Modern Art, NY "Like Goya ... overpowering imagery floods the viewer ... a break-through for social and poetic filmmaking ... [and] a courageous advancement in the history of cinema." – Joyce Wieland Awards: SF Art Institute Film Festival, 1985; Ann Arbor Film Festival, 1985. Exhibition: Museum of Modern Art, NY; Kunstmuseum, Bern; New Music America, 1986. Note: May be presented with live soundtrack performance by arrangement.
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