Covert Ciné
color, sound, 6 min
Covert Ciné is a reverie prompted by the sale of the filmmaker’s father’s final home on Covert Lane. It was commissioned by the Echo Park Film Center in Los Angeles to commemorate ...
Rental format: Digital file $35.00
Available for sale: Digital file $75 institutional/ $45 individual
Available for sale: Digital file $75 institutional/ $45 individual
Covert Ciné is a reverie prompted by the sale of the filmmaker’s father’s final home on Covert Lane. It was commissioned by the Echo Park Film Center in Los Angeles to commemorate the organization’s 14th anniversary in 2015. Covert Ciné was created combining hand-processed super-8mm film and cell phone videos, a process which allowed me, among other things, to re-shape the screen. I enjoy allowing technologies to intermingle and serve each other. In that way, I am exploring ways of creating an encounter between two mediums: one organic and one electronic.
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