16mm, black and white, sound, 5 min
Hands vigorously pull scraps of paper from an antiquated printing press, while their owner remains invisible. Then Mimi Minus and a razor blade; the incident is still shocking, even sixty years after ...
Rental formats: 16mm, Digital file
Hands vigorously pull scraps of paper from an antiquated printing press, while their owner remains invisible. Then Mimi Minus and a razor blade; the incident is still shocking, even sixty years after Bunuel's cut into the pupil of an eye, or the brutal shaving of Joan of Arc. The shrouded head, wrapped in muslin, reappears and black paint is daubed over the top. Black is found in many of Mattuschka's films as if a child with dirty fingers had taken the exposed roll of film outside to play. Mara Mattuschka makes bacterial cinema as she daubs and scrawls. – Stephan Settele
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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Para Sympathica
Mara Mattuschka16mm, black and white, sound, 5 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
I Have Been Very Pleased
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Beauty And The Beast
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S. O. S. Extraterrestria
Mara Mattuschka16mm, black and white, sound, 10 minRental format: 16mm