What's On?
A Hyper-Fire Telespazzumentary rendered in orgiastic collage animation, Media Mush and freaky live chunks. Brats, Boobs, Snot-Based Game Shows, First Lady Baboon attacks, cross-dressing amputees, stress, estrogen and more spew and mutate. With star appearances by Michael Jackson, Ronald McDonald, Princess Di, Cher, Oprah (with a black eye) and a cavalcade of your favorite Game Show hosts (warning: public Urination). With a Tele-Smashing Chaos Poetry soundtrack by 99 Hooker and Video game samples by Naval Cassidy. Blasting you into HELL-A-VISION! "Her visual spew of punk rock poetry and corrupt collage, rendered in scabrous animation that's a perfect marriage of Monty Python and Hieronymous Bosch is proof that nobody mixes playfulness and dangerous vision better than a low-tech and virulent underground." – Patrick Macias, The San Francisco Bay Guardian
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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Martha Colburn16mm, color, sound, 2 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreAnimationExperimental
Martha Colburn16mm, color, sound, 1 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreAnimationExperimental
Evil of Dracula
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I Can't Keep Up
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Persecution In Paradise
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Lift Off
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There's A Pervert In Our Pool!
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Spiders In Love: An Arachnogasmic Musical
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Four By Colburn
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Secrets of Mexuality
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Martha Colburn16mm, color, sound, 8 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreAnimationExperimental
Wrong Time Capsule
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Meet Me in Wichita
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Don't Kill the Weather Man!
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Cosmetic Emergency
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Triumph of the Wild
Martha Colburncolor, sound, 10 minRental formats: 35mm, DVD NTSC