Coda I and Coda II
16mm, color, sound, 4 min
"Peter Gidal's starting point for his 16mm film is a soundtrack that consists of three lines from a 1,000 word story written by Gidal in 1971, read by William Burroughs. Gidal describes the film's 'so-called ...
Available for sale: DVD NTSC
"Peter Gidal's starting point for his 16mm film is a soundtrack that consists of three lines from a 1,000 word story written by Gidal in 1971, read by William Burroughs. Gidal describes the film's 'so-called imagery' as 'a complex of barely visible cuts in space and time, the opposite of erasure, but nothing so much as visible'." Frieze, London, 2013
Both films are codas for another film, not far at all, colour, sound, 15 minutes, which was shown at the BFI (strange name for what used to be properly called the NFT), London, in March 2014, and at Tate (London) in February 2014. not far at all's soundtrack, just for the record, is concrete/abstract without language.
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Room Film 1973
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Condition of Illusion
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Silent Partner
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4th Wall
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No Night No Day
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not far at all
Peter Gidalcolor, sound, 15 minRental format: 16mm