Keep Moving

16mm, color and b/w, sound, 10 min
scans not available
In a succession of still photograph and live footage images, two characters walk, run and gaze across an industrial-looking street-end over which trains pass constantly. The repeated actions focus attention ...
Rental formats: 16mm, DVD NTSC, 3/4″ NTSC, VHS NTSC
Available for sale: 16mm, DVD NTSC, 3/4″ NTSC, VHS NTSC


In a succession of still photograph and live footage images, two characters
walk, run and gaze across an industrial-looking street-end over which trains
pass constantly. The repeated actions focus attention on the relationship
between the human life depicted within the confinement of the frame and
the unseen world beyond the frame.


  • Other films by this artist in our catalogue

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    After The Paint Has Dried

    After The Paint Has Dried
    Rohesia Hamilton Metcalfe

    16mm, black and white, sound, 16 min
    Rental formats: 16mm, 3/4″ NTSC, DVD NTSC, VHS NTSC
    • Personal / Diary / Journal
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    Veneo Video Viceo

    Veneo Video Viceo
    Rohesia Hamilton Metcalfe

    1", color, sound, 55 min
    Rental formats: 3/4″ NTSC, DVD NTSC, VHS NTSC
    • Films About Film
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    La Blanchisseuse

    La Blanchisseuse
    Rohesia Hamilton Metcalfe

    Beta SP, black and white, sound, 11 min
    Rental formats: 3/4″ NTSC, DVD NTSC, VHS NTSC, Beta SP NTSC
    • Arts / Artists
    • Literarature / Theater
    • Philosophical
    • Political / Social Activism
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    Queen of the Mist

    Queen of the Mist
    Rohesia Hamilton Metcalfe

    Beta SP, color, sound, 29 min
    Rental formats: 3/4″ NTSC, DVD NTSC, VHS NTSC, Beta SP NTSC
    • Biography / Autobiography
    • History
    • Political / Social Activism
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    If Spring, Then Hope, And Also Winter

    If Spring, Then Hope, And Also Winter
    Rohesia Hamilton Metcalfe

    3/4", color, sound, 9.5 min
    Rental formats: 3/4″ NTSC, DVD NTSC, VHS NTSC
    • Children / Youth
    • Psychology / Mental Health
    • Spiritual / Mystical
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    Everyone Must Tighten Their Belts

    Everyone Must Tighten Their Belts
    Rohesia Hamilton Metcalfe

    3/4", color, sound, 4.5 min
    Rental formats: 3/4″ NTSC, DVD NTSC, VHS NTSC
    • Economics
    • Political / Social Activism
  • Read More
    How Strong The Children

    How Strong The Children
    Rohesia Hamilton Metcalfe

    Digital Video, color, sound, 28 min
    Rental formats: 3/4″ NTSC, DVD NTSC, VHS NTSC, mini DV NTSC
    • Children / Youth
    • Family
    • Personal / Diary / Journal