Spent Moments
16mm, black and white, silent, 10 min
An abstract narrative shot from the point of view of a house-the woman is seen from an angle of the wall, the corner observes her. This is a film about the fleeting sensations in the midst of ordinary ...
Rental format: 16mm $50
Available for sale: Digital file $200
Available for sale: Digital file $200
An abstract narrative shot from the point of view of a house-the woman is seen from an angle of the wall, the corner observes her. This is a film about the fleeting sensations in the midst of ordinary activites,the energy of heat, and the activity of the imagination. Sousa
"....Jean Sousa's films are struggles.They Grapple with the unseen, the inarticulate, and the mysterious- the heart's blood that boils beneath the surface. However, Sousa structures her anomalous worlds, her anger, her sense of disjointedness with coolness and precision." Wendy Barbner, Spiral, 1984
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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Ellen on the Rope
Jean Sousa16mm, color, sound - Read MoreExperimental
Pattern Impulse
Jean Sousa16mm , color, sound - Read MoreExperimental
Jean Sousa16mm, color, silentRental formats: 16mm, Digital file - Read MoreExperimentalNarrative
Today is Sunday
Jean Sousa16mm, black and white, soundRental formats: 16mm, Digital file - Read MoreExperimentalNarrative
"The Losing Battle"
Jean SousaDigital File, color, sound, 5 minRental format: Digital file