"NYMPHOMANIA deptics the archetypal personification of female sexuality via the motif if a beautiful, graceful, dancing Nymph. Against the nymph, Hughes-Freeland & Adams present a massively phallicised Pan who is aroused by the nymph's neauty and watches her. The film is a parody of myths of an 'ancient/pagan' essential plentitude and is thus a blackly Comedic critique of attitudes toward the dialectic of male/female sexuality. It locates a sexual mythology specific to Western Culture and deconstructs it via a depiction of its inherent power relationships and by pursuing this trajectory to its logical conclusion." –Jack Sargeant, "Death Tripping", 1995
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Haphazard Dreams & Eccentric Lives
A program of films by Tessa Hughes-Freeland
Tessa Hughes-Freeland’s films have been shown in a variety of venues, from international museums to seedy bars. The subject matter of her films is confrontational, transgressive, provocative, and poetic. Programmed by MM Serra.