A Skinny Little Man Attacked Daddy
video, color, sound, 30 min
"A personal version of 'the family system' from the inside" – Rod Stoneman, British Film and Video Directory This film marks a return for Vivienne to the to the Donegal landscape of family origin and ...
Rental format: VHS NTSC
"A personal version of 'the family system' from the inside" – Rod Stoneman, British Film and Video Directory
This film marks a return for Vivienne to the to the Donegal landscape of family origin and contrasts it with life in the 'big city' in this gentle, almost ethnographic film that merges home movies and social documentary aesthetics.
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
- Read MoreExperimental
Guerillere Talks
Vivienne DickSuper 8mm, color, sound, 28 minRental format: VHS NTSC - Read MoreExperimentalNarrative
She Had Her Gun All Ready
Vivienne Dicksuper-8, color, sound on separate reel(s), 26.5 minRental formats: Digital file, super8 - Read MoreExperimental
Beauty Becomes the Beast
Vivienne Dickvideo, color, sound, 41 minRental format: VHS NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Liberty's Booty
Vivienne Dickvideo, color, sound, 48 minRental format: VHS NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Visibility: Moderate
Vivienne Dickvideo, color, sound, 29 minRental format: VHS NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Compillation tape
Vivienne Dickvideo, color, sound, 25 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
London Suite (Getting Sucked In)
Vivienne Dick16mm, color, sound, 28 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Two Pigeons
Vivienne Dickvideo, color, sound, 4 minRental format: VHS NTSC