Available for sale: DVD NTSC
Starring Larry Fine, Abbie Herrick, Evan McHale, Mark Lyon and Annie Sharkiss. A funny, bitter look at middle-class youth trying to be tough in the trappings of pornography, drugs and quick money. A film about desperation in the New York streets. "In its stream-of-consciousness way, BLOOD (1975) evokes Manhattan street life even more powerfully than Martin Scorcese's Taxi Driver. Ms. Krasilovsky brings into camera an array of furtive, frustrated people – e. g., hookers and juvenile delinquents – and allows them to talk about themselves as we watch them in action. As a depiction of contemporary urban despair, BLOOD, more specifically, is an angry, outraged protest of the exploitation of women by men. Indeed, this 21-minute film is punctuated by shots of the covers of lurid paperbacks featuring bondage and framed by an embittered theme song, 'Women in Chains.'" – Kevin Thomas, The Los Angeles Times
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Beale Street
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Just Between Me & God
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What Memphis Needs
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Best Gal in the West
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Epicenter U
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Let Them Eat Cake
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The Parking Lot of Dreams
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