Epicenter U

16mm, color, sound, 28 min
scans not available
A first-hand account about healing from natural disaster, EPICENTER U. is also a multi-cultural portrait of a university which suffered $350 million in damages. "From gripping testimonials to comic relief, ...
Rental formats: 16mm, DVD NTSC
Available for sale: DVD NTSC


A first-hand account about healing from natural disaster, EPICENTER U. is also a multi-cultural portrait of a university which suffered $350 million in damages. "From gripping testimonials to comic relief, the new film EPICENTER U. chronicles the impact of the Northridge Earthquake on the people of California State University, Northridge." - Daily News "I have never been in a earthquake. While watching the film I really felt, for the first time, the costs to both the individual and the community of such a disaster. ... Drawing on her own original filmmaking style developed over years of notable filmmaking, she uses a collage of techniques (cinema verité, direct camera address interviews, slow motion, essayist documentary, poetry) to explore the film's complex and elusive subject matter. More importantly, perhaps, is her collaboration with her students. She gives them a real voice." – Dr. Michelle Citron, Radio-TV-Film Dept., Northwestern University


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