Coming Up For Air
A "new narrative" film based on the visions of magic realism in an Anglo context. This is a gothic mystery that explores a reckless pursuit of interchangeable personalities and experience. Whether experience is first hand, read, remembered from a conversation during a chance encounter, heard of from all possible sources of information, whether fact or fiction, the "experiences" become ours; reinterpreted, reconstructed, and restructured, finally becoming our personal myths, and the source of our poetry and dreams. The sources for this film include night dreams, the idea of holocaust, the exoticness of the Mid-East, the sensuality of animals, the explorations of Scott in Antarctica, and a film I once saw, entitled The Son of Amir Is Dead.
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
- Read MoreExperimental
Four Films by Chick Strand Anselmo, Waterfall, Guacamole, Mujer De Milfuegos
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 32 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Three Films by Chick Strand Cartoon Le Mousse, Fever Dream, Kristallnacht
Chick Strand16mm, black and white, sound, 29 minRental formats: VHS NTSC, 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Two Films by Chick Strand Artificial Paradise, By the Lake
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 22 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Dementia Precox: Five Pieces
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 25 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreAnimationExperimental
Angel Blue Sweet Wings
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 4 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 3 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Mosori Monika
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 21 minRental formats: 16mm, Digital file - Read MoreExperimental
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 11 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Mujer De Milfuegos
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 15 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 22 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Cosas De Mi Vida
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 25 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Cartoon le Mousse
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 12 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Fever Dream
Chick Strand16mm, black and white, sound, 7 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Chick Strand16mm, black and white, sound, 8 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Loose Ends
Chick Strand16mm, black and white, sound, 25 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Soft Fiction
Chick Strand16mm, black and white, sound, 55 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Anselmo and the Women
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 35 minRental format: VHS NTSC - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Fake Fruit
Chick Strand16mm, color, sound, 22 minRental format: 16mm