Available for sale: DVD NTSC
COCKTAIL DE RAYAS (lines cocktail). (1:21) 63-64
painted, stamped, scratched directly on 16mm film, in Uruguay 1963-64. Norman McLaren wrote enthusiastic letter encouraging and supporting Darino, and invited to visit to visit him at the National Film Board in Canada. Music: Charles Williams, courtesy of SODRE.
SOMBRAS Y LUCES. (Shadows and lights) (1:32) 64-65. , SOMBRAS SIN LUCES. (Shadows without lights) (1:06) 64-65, SOMBRAS CON LUCES. (Shadows with lights). 64-65.
Three animated shorts drawn and stamped directly on 16mm film. Music: Uruguayan tamborils played during "Llamadas" carnival parades. Also mentioned in Norman McLaren letters to Darino, very interested by the use of stamped images as well as flickering colors. Shadows without lights uses the same techniques, but working with black and white images only, china ink applied with sponges, burnt with a warm saline solution inspired in daguerreotype photography.
APEX (3:42) 64. (Reconstructed 2012-2015).
Apex is the first experimental animation in Cinemascope in Uruguay, with Adriana Lagomarsino. Since they had no Cinemascope camera, Darino and Rodolfo Musitelli, camera, shot on 35mm with high contrast film, that Darino distorted. Images solariez using multiple prints and effects obstained through moving glass and mirrors in front of the lens (no digital back in 64). The originals were destroyed with other ICUR (University, Montevideo) during the 70's dictatorship in Uruguay. Walter Dassori returned to Darino in NYork some tests and in 2010 a few loose shots were found. Since then Darino worked reconstructing the animation with the same techniques as the original. Oreson Welles comment was "Darino was surrealistic" and Peter Cowie, from Variety and International Film Guide that "Ed polarized images way before Andy Warhol." APEX world premiere was at San Francisco Cinemateque 2015 on a program by Angela Lopez Ruiz.
TANGO . (1:27) 72-73.
photo animated flip started at ICUR, Montevideo (Instituto de Cine Universidad de la Republica, director Dr. Rodolfo V. Taliche) completed in New York 73. Animation: Eduardo Darino
HELLO? (6:36) 75.
Animation by Eduardo Darino, through a 6500 xerox color copier. Experimental animation, colors generated through the copier, for the 100 years of the first conversation by phone by Mr. Graham Bell in 1876. (Dedicated to Jan Lenica).
Two films animated by Eduardo Darino without a camera, directly from an office copier. He registered the system as COPYMOTION - films dedicated to his daughter Lucia when she was a child. Carousel music from the one at Central Park, Kaleidoscope music John Phillip Sousa (licensed through Valentino).
Darino's interactive tour to New York animated with a bicycle that generates code, the faster it is peddled art reaches higher resolution, even color. Short step-by-step explanation at the end. Part of the "Irreverent Realities" series.
GAVIOTAS - Seagulls (3:56) 2014-15
New York - Punta del Este. Drawn and stamped directly on film, by Eduardo Darino, dedicated to Norman McLaren who wrote several encouraging letters when he was 20 years old, and invited to visit him at the National Film Board in Canada. Inspired on seagulls Ed sees during his winter months in Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay.
TORRES GARCIA (drawings). (11:04) 2015 Eduardo Darino animated paintings by Joaquin Torres Garcia while at ICUR (Instituto de Cine Unisersidad de la Republica, Montevideo director Dr. Rodolfo V. Talice) and has animated drawings directly on 16mm in Punta del Este and New York 2014-2015. This is the first release of this combined work.
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