Sun, beach, the sea: Most people associate them with carefree days off work, being freed of civilizationís demands. In Siegfried Fruhauf ́s Tranquility an image of a woman lying on her back in the sand, next to her an abandoned beach toy
and nothing but sun and wind above, represents the point of departure for an adventurously long journey, one produced by the film material to be found here. Tranquility could be regarded as a vacation daydream, a record of a flight of fantasy fluttering away, limitless consciousness raising which ends in a state of total relaxation, presumably like that of the woman on the beach. The transitions between the individual images take place on all the pathways on which the consciousness works with meanings: linguistic, visual, acoustic. The Sea of Tranquility, where the first humans set foot on the Moon, is no more than a mental leap away in tranquility also. The plane, the majestic takeoff of which Fruhauf shows in a silent sequence, moves away from the woman on the beach (if anyone is still thinking about her at this point) like a gigantic floating palace, and one could say that Tranquility is also a film which should be seen as a flight from material to material, the crossing of a castle in the air constructed under the great sun of the exposure. The here and there are separated by the feverish dream of a radiated force that leaves traces of the world in the film s images. A sea of tranquility, though its waves can surge ecstatically at any time. (Bert Rebhandl)
Tranquility seems almost like a sequel. Once again it shows an anonymous girl on a beach and in the water, who is threatened by black streaks, slowed shots of flying planes and floating figures, at first accompanied by the famous radio
message that Neil Armstrong and his colleagues sent to Earth from the gray moon in 1969. Tranquility is about flying, the state of weightlessness, and it also calmly documents Siegfried A. Fruhauf’s love letter to his medium: Cinema could be considered a minor matter, something to be taken for granted – for the members of humankind that still have little clue as to what they have in it, it represents something huge. (Stefan Grissemann)
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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Siegfried A. Fruhaufcolor, sound, 5 minRental format: 35mm - Read MoreExperimental
Mirror Mechanic
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Night Sweat
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Exterior Extended
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Still Dissolution
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Vintage Print
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Fuddy Duddy
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Heavy Eyes Remastered
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Phantom Ride Phantom
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Water and Clearing
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Dissolution Prologue (Extended Version)
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