Light Work Mood Disorder
Dual-projection film (side-by-side projection), soundtrack on CD. LIGHT WORK MOOD DISORDER mixes and subverts symbols of science, industry, medicine and illness, as it meditates on the deteriorating celluloid and physicality of the pre-digital age. Two screens and pulsating, layered music immerse the audience in colorful rhythmic molecular forms, morphing frequencies and visual textures. Reeves sewed together 20th century educational films and affixed dissolved pharmaceuticals directly to the film. The projector acts as a microscope enlarging thread, crystallized antibiotic, heart, and mood medications, forming a concentrated fusion with Burr's composition of sine-waves, organ and multi-tonal bass clarinet. The animated abstractions rupture and echo the images of brain dendrites, synapses, human x-rays, scientific experiments and factory machine. The rhythmic and visceral imagery is reflected in the movement of Burr's austere and hypnotic soundtrack as it envelops the audience.
**Note: General projection notes and two projection "scripts" (one abbreviated version, copied below; and one detailed version, for more ambitious projectionists) are provided with rental. Please be sure to refer to these notes and scripts when coordinating projection.
Abbreviated Instructions/Script for Projecting LIGHT WORK MOOD DISORDER (times listed are approximate & refer to the soundtrack on DC, which is 26:41 long): 1. Cue reels in black 1 second before title (right after SMPTE Academy leader); 2. Press play on the CD player to start the CD track; 3. Turn ON LEFT PROJECTOR/REEL 5-13 seconds after the soundtrack begins; 4. Turn RIGHT PROJECTOR ON WHEN THE HAND-SCRATCHED 'LIGHT' TITLE HAS BEEN ON THE LEFT SCREEN FOR 1 second. This is almost immediately after you have turned on the Left reel; 5. THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE FILM WILL (hopefully) END FIRST. The last unique images, to prepare you to stop the projector, include an illustration of the x-ray of a human hand, and finally the last image is a close-up shot of a candle Blowing up inside a glass box. This reel ends at about 25 minutes and 34 seconds. TURN THIS PROJECTOR OFF; 6. On the LEFT SCREEN the last images are a warning sign about not trying these experiments without your teacher, and then the full film credits (the last one is a copyright credit). So the FILM SHOULD END (image-wise) on the LEFT side at approximately 25 minutes, 55 seconds after the credits. TURN OFF THIS PROJECTOR. The soundtrack will end (hopefully) in darkness, after the credits, at 26 minutes, 10 seconds. TURN OFF CD PLAYER AFTER FADE OUT.
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Projection Instructions
A program of 16mm films that involve special instructions to the projectionist, curator, or spectator
Join us for a modular program of 16mm films that involve special instructions to the projectionist, curator, or spectator, underscoring the performative dimensions of cinematic exhibition. Venues wishing to exhibit a version of the program are encouraged to curate individual combinations of films from the list below that reflect their own interests, equipment, and exhibition spaces.
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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Elations In Negative
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Girls Daydream About Hollywood
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Taste it Nine Times
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Monsters in the Closet
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Configuration 20
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The Girl's Nervy
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Jennifer Reeves16mm, color, sound, 40 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
We Are Going Home
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Darling International
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Trains Are For Dreaming
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Fear of Blushing
Jennifer Reeves16mm, color, sound, 5.5 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Skinny Teeth
Jennifer Reevesvideo, color, sound, 7 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimentalNarrative
The Time We Killed
Jennifer Reevessound, 94 minRental formats: 16mm, DVD NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Shadows Choose Their Horrors
Jennifer ReevesVideo, color and b/w, sound, 31 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Jennifer Reeves16mm, color, sound, 54 minRental format: Digi Beta NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Landfill 16
Jennifer Reevescolor, sound, 9 minRental format: 16mm