16mm, color, silent
"Swish" made with moving subject and open shutter of a moving camera, deals with the physical properties of the film medium and pushing those distinctive features to their limit. It is an attempt ...
Rental format: 16mm $50.00
Available for sale: Digital file $200
Available for sale: Digital file $200
"Swish" made with moving subject and open shutter of a moving camera, deals with the physical properties of the film medium and pushing those distinctive features to their limit. It is an attempt to get inside of motion.The subject, a female body at close range,provides an intimacy and eroticism, and highlights the subjectivity of being close.
"Swish", is a silent investigation of the medium's relationship to motion, offering occasional,swishing glimpses of young Sousa as she dances with her moving camera,her face close to the open shutter. - "Whose Avant-Garde" Tess Takahashi
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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Ellen on the Rope
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Pattern Impulse
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Spent Moments
Jean Sousa16mm, black and white, silent, 10 minRental formats: 16mm, Digital file - Read MoreExperimentalNarrative
Today is Sunday
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"The Losing Battle"
Jean SousaDigital File, color, sound, 5 minRental format: Digital file