4th Wall
16mm, color, silent, 38.25 min
"Gidal's camera movements, are at one level predicated on the sensual lure and the visual pleasure which he derives from the objects looked at (already an aware sublimation of a sexual object ...
Rental format: 16mm
"Gidal's camera movements, are at one level predicated on the sensual lure and the visual pleasure which he derives from the objects looked at (already an aware sublimation of a sexual object onto another even before the film is shot). The camera slowly moves over the beautifully paterned bedspread (or rug, which Gidal chooses because he already finds it visually pleasurable), and even where it encounters objects with no intrinsic implications of beauty, their separation (framing) from their visual and more important, utility, contexts transforms them into 'to be looked at objects.'" –Malcolm LeGrice, Millenium Film Journal
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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Room Film 1973
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Film Print
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Condition of Illusion
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Silent Partner
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Close Up
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No Night No Day
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Coda I and Coda II
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not far at all
Peter Gidalcolor, sound, 15 minRental format: 16mm